Yesterday was not only Halloween, but also Mr Cardinal's birthday.
Naturally, we celebrated.
This is me, ready to go out to dinner in my new Frank Lyman designed dress,
sourced from our local village the other day.
It has a satisfactory amount of bling at shoulders and wrist, and I know we will have lots of fun together during the Christmas seasonal round of festivities.
I gave Mr Cardinal a new Fancy Schmantzy white business shirt and blue tie ...
and made him an orange birthday cake, his favourite flavour, from a new recipe in the November Women's Weekly.
Reader, it was Delicious!
We dined at Bucci, an Italian restaurant on James Street,
Loved these chandeliers, made up of dozens of tiny black figures. Brilliant.
As a birthday treat, we shared the Dolce Platter - a tiny bit of each dessert on offer.
Decadent, but Delicious!
A highlight of the evening was a message left on Mr C's phone,
of our little grandson singing Happy Birthday from Canada.
Priceless ...
Happy Birthday Mr Cardinal xxx