Sunday, September 9, 2018


Springtime in September has arrived, and it is over a month since I blogged!

My father's King Orchid has bloomed again this year.
We divided his huge orchid into six portions for his six children in 2012.
So far, so good;
It has done well in our garden..

It is ten weeks since we returned from Europe and Mr Red Cardinal broke his hip.  He was a good and conscientious patient, did everything medical as instructed.  Over the past fortnight he has been able to use the stairs and begun driving his car again.

We marked these milestones with lunch at the Wild Canary Garden Cafe:

Mr C no longer has to spend his life on one level of our house, and his office has been relocated back downstairs to its usual spot, overlooking the back garden.

The dining room has returned to being a dining room.
And cutting out table for sewing, and other crafty activities as required...

I can't say I am a great success as a carer.  
While perfectly happy looking after his needs while he was healing and was unable to weight-bear) after a while I began to feel as despondent as he undoubtedly did.
We have been severely restricted in where we can go, and due to loss of condition it will take a while for him to regain the stamina to walk very far.
We are looking forward to a return to the cinema and concerts.

It was wonderful to return to my Ladies Choir last week, after a four month absence.  What a joy to sing with a group of like-minded and feisty women, and exercise the cogs of my brain at the same time!

While in the city, I enjoyed the Spring floral decorations in the Brisbane Arcade:

I bought a delicate pink orchid -
because flowers always lift the spirit, and beauty in the home is mandatory...

Can you see the lorikeet?
They love to feed on the bottle-brush nectar..

Our cold bulb garden has produced two daffodils this year. 
Well done Garden of Neglect.

The crazy cockatoos visit every day.
Possibly just to fight with the lorikeets, who usually win.

After an extremely dry Winter, we have had a few days of rain showers -
but not the promised thunder storms.

I love how the lorikeets huddle with their mate when it rains...

Our grandson Little Aussie has been to visit, on the Father's Day weekend.
It was also his ninth birthday (and his Dad had a birthday too).

This was cause for a little celebration...

Aussie has learnt to play Monopoly, and we gave him the original version, with the new playing tokens:

May your trans-seasonal week be beautiful:
Spring or Autumn, both are a delight.