Monday, August 26, 2024



Spring has come to the Red Cardinal nest..

Our King Orchid burst into bloom today, as the temperature shot up to 31C..

It is still officially Winter, but I think we have just bounced right on into Summer.   Last week I wore jeans and a Cashmere sweater, today I am in shorts and a shell top....

Such are the vagaries of Climate Change..

We look forward to visitors to our Garden of Neglect:

next week we host our Garden Club members for our monthly meeting.

The plants have been instructed to behave, urged on by a frenzy of trimming, fertilizing, watering, weeding and a bit of Talking to Plants (me).

Today we had lorikeets feasting on Spring blossoms..

Maybe I could pay them to come and perform for our guests....

We recently had our giant Fig Tree trimmed - it was far too big.

Over Summer, it will grow another mass of green foliage..

So where have I been, you may ask..

It has been a difficult Winter, and I found it hard to remember I had a blog, or to read other blogs.

We had a wonderful visit by our daughter from Canada, with her two boys, which included a short beach holiday.  They do love to swim in the Australian surf.

Unfortunately, Covid entered our home, and we all had it to varying degrees.  Then I also contracted a seasonal virus which has lasted many weeks.  I am still coughing and am very tired.  

Our three little grandies are doing fine, the twins are about to turn four, and Baby Sister is 2.5 and speaks Very Fluent English.  

Even more amazing, Little Aussie, our eldest grandson, turns 15 this week.  This is most astonishing to these old red birds...

A special thank you to those Readers who have reached out to me.

You have touched my heart, and I appreciate your thoughts so very much.  

If you are still reading this, thank you for dropping by.

With love from the

Red Cardinal.



  1. Dearest Patricia,
    Your garden starts looking very nice and you talking to the plants might have offset the vagaries of climate change...
    Wonderful for having had your family visit from Canada, regardless of suffering from some virus.
    As my best friend said during her Letter from Heaven on my Pieter's Memorial service: histrionics do not become you...

    1. Dear Mariette, so sorry to hear of Pieter's passing - he was a great man and will be much missed. Thank you for dropping by.

  2. I can't believe little Aussie turns 15. They do grow up fast. I'm so sorry to hear you got both viruses, Patricia. I do hope you are on the road to recovery. That will be so nice to have your Garden Club over for a visit, especially with your gorgeous pool and your thriving plants. Your fig tree is wonderful. I was just telling another blog friend how I miss figs - haven't had them in awhile. I'm so glad you got to see your daughter from Canada and the boys. What a lovely visit that must have been.

    Enjoy the last of the Winter days, and those Lorikeets always make my heart sing when I see them on your blog. Thank you for sharing them, Patricia.


    1. Yes, those little ones do grow up so quickly. Now we are thinking about teenagers again, as well as the little ones. The Lorikeets are a joy as they sing out there in the blossoms, and we hope for nice sunny weather for our garden day.

  3. Great to see your blog today.
    Wonderful garden photos.
    The visit from the Garden Club is sure to go well with the plants "performing" like this.
    Noting the ages of grandchildren is surely a reminder of how time flies.

    1. Thank you. Suddenly it is Springtime in the garden, photography is easy, and a blog writes itself. Those children grow as we look at them!

  4. How wonderful to see a post from you today. Your garden will surely be a pleasant place for the Garden Club to visit. You have so many beautiful plants.
    I'm so glad your Canadian family was able to visit. Those grandchildren grow up so very quickly, don't they?
    I hope you soon recover from the virus and soon feel full of energy once again.

    1. Thank you Lorrie. We chose September as our host month when we had the chance at the beginning of the year. It seems to have worked out well, and the orchids are doing their absolute best for us. The Canadians came on short notice, and it was such a treat. We were freezing in our Winter, and they were doing Summer right here with us, swimming in our pool while we were all bundled up for warmth! Thank you for dropping by.

  5. Oh Trish, it’s lovely to see you back. I’m so sorry you’ve been so unwell, so thank you for the lovely garden photos. Amazing that little Aussie is turning 15! I have been away too, but for a pleasant reason, not illness. Wishing you a full recovery and hoping to see more of you again soon! Now I need to write a catch up blog post myself! Xx

    1. Thank you Val, lovely to see your voice here. Time flies, and things happen! I am glad you have had a pleasant getaway. Look forward to your new blog post xx

  6. So wonderful to see you back here dearest Trish!
    I love seeing the gorgeous botany of your area - different wildlife included. 💗 I'm so sorry it's been a difficut time. I sure hope you'll listen to your body and rest when you need to. Say no when you need to, and just take care of yourself. Love anything you share here and sending prayers and love for healing and restoration to your system. You are a treasure and blessing to us all! I hope everything goes beautifully with the garden club and I have no doubt they will think everything is wonderful. Blessings and love always. xoxo

  7. Thank you dear Carrie. We live in such contrasting places, and I love to see your area too. With a sudden arrival of Spring, I do feel better and healthier, and the spring flowers certainly help. I am pulling out my old quilts and pillows to decorate the garden furniture for our Garden Day. My Book Club members say they are all coming :) Love and blessings to you too.xoxo

  8. Hi Trish, so happy to read your post. You, the Lorikeets and the beautiful Garden of Neglect were dearly missed. Welcome back to social media, my friend!❤️❤️❤️

    1. Thank you Debra, our Spring is brief, but quite spectacular. Summer is really on the way, and hopefully a few more blog posts. xx

  9. Hello my dear! Always so lovely to read your blog! I see I'm not the only one who has fallen off blogging. so happy to see you back here!

    I am glad to hear you are doing better! That definitely sounds like a hard winter !

    I love seeing your beautiful garden! I hope you enjoyed your party! Sending you big hugs from Southern California! XOX

    1. Thanks for dropping in, Tamera. We did enjoy our garden party, and our guests were lovely and encouraging. Hugs back to you from Australia xox

  10. Hello, Trish. Perpetua here. It was lovely to read your post and see you are still blogging. So sorry the winter has been hard where your health is concerned and hope spring will help you get back to full health. After a long gap I've decided to try blogging again while I still have the brain cells to write. You'll find me at

    1. Hello Kathy/Perpetua. How lovely to hear from you, and I found your new blog right away. Life these days is indeed about working the brain cells. We are doing our Wordle and a few other puzzles every day, hoping it has a good effect, and blogging is always good.
