Tuesday, September 10, 2024



Our Garden Party was a great success...
The plants put on their best display, the sun shone, and over 25 guests from our Club  seemed to enjoy themselves.

The King Orchid retained its mass of tiny flowers for two weeks, right up to our special day: and the next morning, they all wrinkled up and started to fall.  What a good sense of timing..

The Lavender garden in our pool area was very popular..

At the last minute, we placed a vintage cage under the palms..

White garden furniture in small groupings around the lawn..
Here are some of my girlfriends who helped with the tea arrangements:
Thank you ladies....

September 1st is the beginning of Spring here in Australia, and we had perfect weather for the event.
Today heralded the arrival of the first Summer storm - thunder and rain, just a taste of the coming season...

We live in a semi-rural area on the outskirts of Brisbane.
On my daily walks, I enjoy seeing the horses, popular pets around here.  The above pair looked pretty in the afternoon sunshine...

Thank you for popping by.
I am off to start sewing again...



  1. Having a party in the garden, with the sun shining down, is the best ever fun. The gardens are lovely and the table will look terrific.

    1. Thank you Hels. It turned out to be a really lovely day and our guests enjoyed themselves.

  2. How lovely to start the spring with a glorious garden party, and to have so many beautiful plants in bloom. Your garden is glorious, Trish. I can imagine everyone thoroughly enjoyed it. Happy sewing!

    1. Thank you Val, we do enjoy our garden, which slopes down a hillside, giving us a variety of micro-climates. I am experimenting with a new pattern designed for the 'older woman', ahem....

  3. Oh Trish - it looks like it was so lovely!! I'm so glad it all went well. What a wonderful way to kick off the Spring season. Enjoy the sunshine, gorgeous flowers, and cozy rainy days ahead. 🌺💚

    1. Thank you Carrie, it was a very happy day - and was written up nicely in the Group newsletter :) Spring is always so floral and pleasant. Special wishes to you on your special day! xx

  4. So glad you had such a perfect day for your garden party, Trish. Your garden looks beautiful, as does your neighbourhood. Our summer has NOT been the best this year, so I'm hoping autumn will relent and give us some good days in the garden.

    1. We chose to have our party in September, to catch it at its best - I think we succeeded. Summer can be harsh on our ferns and orchids. And yes, our neighbourhood is absolutely lovely, in people and appearance. It makes it very difficult to even consider life as a 'downsizer'. I hope you have good weather for Autumn, my favourite season. Look forward to a tiny peek on your blog.

  5. Replies
    1. It was such a joy to bring our garden to its best, then decorate with our vintage iron pieces, and some of my patchwork quilts and pillows. Everyone seemed to like it! Thanks for coming by.

  6. Such a nice garden party, Patricia. And I'm glad it turned out so well. Your plants are thriving, and the lavender looks so pretty near your pool. I like how you put the table and chairs in small groupings. And the vintage cage adds a special touch. Seeing those horses on your daily walks is delightful. There are a couple horses that I see every time I drive to the creek. Wow, you've already got rain and thunder. Enjoy your beautiful season of Spring, Patricia. Our Autumn is just beginning.


    1. Hi Sheri, the lavender was quite an attraction! I have had a few parties where I put the tables and chairs around like that, and it always works well in this part of our garden. It is sheltered from the street, but looks out to a view at the back. I think you might live in a similar area - so nice to see the horses when we venture out. Happy Autumn to you.

  7. What a lovely garden party, Patricia. Such a great way to begin the spring season. Your plants and flowers are pretty, and I'm sure you will enjoy cooling off in your pool once the intense heat arrives.
    Things are cooling off here although we could have warm-ish weather through the middle of October. I'm hoping for a bit more summer weather so my tomatoes will ripen on the vine rather than having to bring them in.
    Happy spring days!

    1. Thank you Lorrie. The pool is looking its sparkling best right now, and the new lavenders we have planted add quite a Tuscan look to it all. No doubt the grandies will want to come and swim in the Summer. It has become colder again this weekend, but we do not mind as Summer is soooo long here. Hope you get a bit more Summer for the tomatoes.
