Tuesday, April 12, 2022




We received the most beautiful Easter gift last week: the arrival of a tiny new granddaughter...

She is our sixth grandchild, and the first little girl.

We are thrilled to bits, and can't wait to spend time cuddling this precious little pink bundle...

 She is a sweet baby sister for the twin boys, who are now 19 months old, and full of fun and Young Aussie, our first grandson who is nearly a teen.  We have been spending time playing with them while their parents are at the hospital.  

Naturally, I enjoyed running through the shops buying a few little 'new baby' items, all pink :)

and look forward to going through my fabric stash of dainty little floral prints and making a small item or two....

Best of all, the little one is located here in Brisbane and we so look forward to precious times rocking and singing with her..

Precious tiny fingers..

Have a joyful and Happy Easter




  1. Dearest Patricia,
    Congratulations to all involved with the birth of your granddaughter!
    Enjoy a meaningful Holy Week.

    1. Thank you Mariette, we are so thankful for the birth of this little one, a gift from God. Easter Blessings to you.

  2. Oh how absolutely wonderful darling! Huge Congratulations all around! And what a gift that she lives locally! Such a blessing! Wishing you and yours a most lovely Easter!

    XOXO Tamera

    1. Thank you Tamera, we are indeed blessed. It is a precious Easter gift to the whole family. Wishing you and your family a lovely Easter too. xoxo

  3. Dear Patricia, How absolutely wonderful! Congratulations to all of you. Such a sweet gift at Easter time. Enjoy those newborn cuddles!
    We have 5 grandchildren - 4 girls and one boy!

    1. Dear Lorrie, it is such a thrill to have a little granddaughter. I look longingly at other little grandies, and have wished for a girl for a long time. You have the reverse situation! Your one boy will be so special to you.

  4. Dear Patricia - what really wonderful news to learn that you have a lovely little baby girl in the family. I know that you will really enjoy her - nodoubt you will be making her some pretty dresses too. Congratulations to you all.

    1. Thank you dear Rosemary. We are still so excited with the blessing of this dear little girl. I will sew something for her very soon! Happy Easter to you and your family.

  5. Congratulations on your little granddaughter who has the cutest tiny hands, Trish. Lucky her to have 3 big brothers looking after her!

    1. Thank you Debra, we are so happy to have a baby girl in the family - it has been nearly 50 years since the last girl with our name came into the world. I am dreaming all things pink this week :)

  6. Oh Trish - congrats!! How wonderful!! A sweet baby Girl! Won't she just be spoiled in your family?!? 😊
    It's so fun to buy baby girlie things. So excited for you All. xoxo

    1. Thank you dear Carrie, she is the dearest, sweetest little girl! Yes, absolutely to be spoiled. I am making little pink wraps for her today :)

  7. Congratulations Patricia...a lovely gift and so wonderful that they live closeby! You'll be able to help and be rewarded with cuddles.

    1. Thank you so much. She is so dainty and sweet. Can't wait to have another little cuddle over Easter.xo

  8. What wonderful news that you have a Granddaughter, Patricia. It will be fun shopping for girl things now. I didn't realize you had all boys in your family. I can't believe little Aussie is a teen now. They grow up so fast, don't they? A wonderful PINK post. Welcome to the world, precious little one.

    Happy Easter to you, dear Patricia.

