Wednesday, March 31, 2021



We have been in lockdown for three days.

I know, compared to much of the world, that is nothing.

We have been very lucky here in Australia, keeping The Virus largely at bay.

For various reasons, there has been a surge in cases here in Brisbane and The Virus escaped into the community.

To be honest, I enjoy the peace and quiet:

no buzz of traffic in the distance all day long, no need to rush out of the house to appointments, work or play...

One hour of exercise in the open air permitted.

This is the path where I enjoy my walk in the Autumn sunshine..

Masks mandatory but not outdoors - except when unable to social distance.

It was announced a few hours ago that lockdown will end at noon today (Thursday) but masks will be worn for two weeks.

There was great concern about the huge numbers of people with accommodation arranged for Easter at the beach etc.  and already many cancellations.

Our Tourism industry has all but collapsed over the past year of no international visitors.

This week while only permitted to leave home to buy rations, we decided to visit the local Produce Store.  As you may know, we live on the edge of the city in an area of acreages, small farms and lots of horses.

Fun sightings at the store...bee hotels and fresh honeycomb...

Dear little toy tractors, mowers, trucks etc.

A small child's delight - are the twins too young to have them yet?

I guess seven months is a bit early...

Old-fashioned white mice - blue treadmill for boys, pink for girls..

Aussie kids love guinea pigs - I think they are called hamsters in other countries.

Endless supplies of cute stuff for cats and dogs...

I thought about bringing this big bird home, but really, where could I put such an imposing sculpture???

The cockatoos broke the bird feeder and it fell down.. 

Look at Mr. Innocent there on the railing...

The lorikeets had to sit on a table for breakfast for a few days.

Peace is now restored.

May your Easter be Blessed.




  1. Wow, that was short, sweet lockdown, Patricia. I hope your tourism revives. I think it has collapsed everywhere and I’m so sorry for the people in the hospitality business. Awful for them. Lots of small shops are closing down here too. It will take years to recover. Your local produce shop looks lovely! Keep well, Patricia!

    1. I think it would have gone for longer if not for Easter. There is still some community transmission although they have done a mighty job this week to contact trace it. The fact it is the UK variant is cause for concern, and for the next fortnight we all need to be most vigilent.
      Happy Easter to you :)

  2. I don't think it would be too early to start a "stash" of tractors, diggers, buses, etc for the twins. The way time flies they will be two (years old that is...) in no time.

    1. I might sneak back and buy some. If they are anything like our other three grandsons, they will be enthralled by any and all vehicles! Happy Easter.

  3. There is something nice about the slowed pace of a lockdown... It is never too early for a grandma to start collecting toy vehicles for her little ones. And, here in the US we have both hamsters and guinea pigs. They are actually quite different one from another.

    1. I think I will go back and buy a couple of those cute toys. Thank you for the information, I have quite confused these little pets. I wonder why we never see hamsters in Australia...

  4. Yes, the boys will grow so quickly and before you know want to play with tractors and trucks etc. Start your stash now - it will be another fun project to help you through these lockdowns etc.
    Sad for the travel industry everywhere. Although of course I can't view them, so many huge cruise ships are crowding the bay of my hometown on the English Channel with nowhere to sail to. My cousins there keep me posted as they're up on a hill and can see them from their kitchen window! Cunard's 3 'Queens' have been out there together at times, that's quite a photo to get!

    Stay safe dear dear friend. We're good and staying busy in the garden now the weather has been warm - however tonight and tomorrow night the last frosts will hit us and we're hoping no damage to tender buds. After that true spring days with lots of sunshine - we are ready!
    Hope all the flooding has ended in your area.
    Hugs - Mary

    1. Oops! Also sending Happy Easter greetings to you and the family.

    2. Happy Easter Mary. What a good suggestion, I will start a little stash of trucks. I am fascinated to know there are so many Queen ships 'parking' in England. I have a friend who loves to sail on them. We are ready for a change of season too - our Autumn/Winter when we can also grow traditional Spring flowers. Floods are all gone now, and we have moved on to lovely cool breezes. x

  5. Happy Easter weekend, Trish! I'm happy to hear your authorities are on top of the virus and handling it before it can spread. I will get my 2nd vaccine next week and have never been so thrilled to receive shots in the arm. As I have read, we are 80% safe after our 1st dose and 94.1% or 95% immune after our 2nd dose. After both shots we are still asked to wear face masks and do hand washing and social distancing until about 70% of the population has been vaccinated. The reason, until science has the data, we're not sure if we can still spread COVID -- but the science is looking good that maybe not!

    Easter is a favorite holiday as it has not gotten commercial like Christmas. I like eggs as snacks ... and no surprise chocolate! Also a good chance to reflect on what gives life its meaning.

    Happy Easter Sunday!

    1. Happy Easter to you Debra. I am amazed that so many citizens now have been vaccinated in the US, a very good sign for the new Presidency. It really is science on the run, isn't it. We also do not know if the vaccine stops the spread or not and our rollout is painfully slower than the original targets. This week with a lot of hostile press coverage the various levels of Government have made a push to get on with it! I like the Easter weekend too. Usually we escape to the beach but not this time - chocolate bunnies might possibly appear in the Cardinal nest :)

  6. I'm so sorry there have been more cases of the virus in your area, Patricia. Not sure if you know this, but I have a dreadful fear of mice, especially those white mice you have shown, Eeeeeek! That's too bad that the Cockatoos broke the bird feeder. I sure do love seeing those beautiful Lorikeets. The place where you take your Autumn walks is so lovely.

    Take care, dear Patricia, and Happy Easter to you.


    1. I don't like mice either Sheri, and our children never had them as pets. The lockdown has been lifted now, but we are taking no chances and plan a very quiet Easter, including a family Zoom. Happy Easter to you too.

  7. Wishing you Easter greetings Patricia - our lockdown has been ongoing since January and I can't wait for the release date on 12th April. I am in desperate need a haircut, and there are non essential items that I need to buy, and I want to spread my wings again.
    Guinea pigs are a different species to Hampsters, but generally speaking Guinea Pigs tend to make better pets, they are more sociable, Hampsters like to hibernate during the day.

    1. Oh I am sure you are really looking forward to 12th April. The UK has really had a difficult time and I feel for you all. I hope the vaccine rollout makes a big difference for you all this Summer. Thank you for explaining the difference in the little creatures. I don't think Hampsters sound like much fun for children, but we do not seem to have them in any case. Happy Easter to you and your family Rosemary.

  8. If I lived near those little stores I would be shopping there all the time. I know that supermarkets are really handy and cheaper but I'm not spending money on much else these days so might as well buy the home grown home made stuff in the store. Your autumn sun looks so mellow. Nice area to walk! Have a lovely Easter, Patricia.

    1. It is fun to go to the local store, especially to see all the farm stuff which we don't need anyway :) They sometimes sell locally grown fruit too. I am loving the Autumn sun and the fresh cool air, such a relief after the humidity of Summer. Have a beautiful Easter, Jenny.

  9. Those little vehicles are fun, and a collection of them would provide lots of play for your little grands when they are not too much older.
    Our tourism industry has suffered badly during the pandemic, too. Now we are on three weeks of further restrictions - stores and hair salons are still open, but gyms and restaurants (other than for takeout) and churches are closed. Churches have been mostly closed for over a year.
    We can gather with 10 people outdoors if we socially distance, so we're having our children and grandchildren over for an egg hunt in the garden, and a dinner outside. It will be a bit chilly, but we'll have blankets to wrap around ourselves. I'll be so glad when warmer weather comes.
    Happy Easter, Patricia.

    1. I can imagine your tourism industry would have taken quite a hit in BC. Lots of Aussies around here fly over there every year to ski and work in the resorts, as well as all the others who go for the cruise up the coast! Now we are all very much stuck at home. So sad the churches have been closed of A Year!! The egg hunt is a great idea, have fun and a Happy Easter.
