Wednesday, January 1, 2020


January 1st, 2020
A New Year's Day like none that Australia has ever seen before.
What can one say about the fires beyond comprehension ravaging the South-East of our land, along the coastal areas from Sydney to Victoria?
I am in shock as I watch it unfold on the media, and think of friends who may be in the affected areas.
Please pray for our people, our firefighters, and for the blessed relief of rain in the affected areas.

We must not lose Hope, and for us, Christmas has been a peaceful and blessed time, with the added gift of some rain in Brisbane.
In fact, our temperatures have for a couple of weeks been more normal and the grass has begun to grow back.

Little Aussie was here for a few days of Christmas.  He sure is growing up!

Special photo with Papa
We exchanged gifts supporting various Third World charities.
Aussie has pet chickens, so he was allocated to give chickens to African children.

I received this African basket, an ethical gift sold to support the Catherine Hamlin Fistula Foundation in Ethiopia.

Also from Mr Cardinal, 'The Other Side of the Coin' by the Queen's dresser Angela Kelly.  Lots of anecdotes and details about Her Majesty's wardrobe. 

Mr Cardinal has enjoyed putting together his Millenium Falcon jigsaw...
And we all went to see the last of the Star Wars movies....

This year we got out the old red Wedding china and enjoyed our Christmas Dinner at twilight..

The grandpuppy "HQ" attended, and as ever, opened her own squeaky toy gift...

Here are a few Royal fashions which caught my eye over the Christmas period:

The Queen, pretty in pink on a cold Sandringham morning
Catherine and Charlotte: would kill for that coat and the green accessories - hat, shoes, and daughter...
Anne and Camilla in Royal Purple - so regal...

Wishing all my dear Readers of the Red Cardinal blog, a very Happy and Peaceful year in 2020.  May all your dreams come true.



  1. Happy New Year!
    Prayers continue for rain to stop the fires,
    and for all

    1. Thank you so much. It is awful to watch on TV, but I need to know what is happening! Our poor country..

  2. Happy 2020, Trish!

    Oh my gosh, I've been watching the ravaging fires in the South-East of your country with great sadness. It's heartbreaking to see the thirsty koala bears so desperate for water and to understand that much wildlife has been killed in the fires. We need to help when and where we hear of an opportunity (but 1st check to make sure the opportunity isn't a scam). I wonder if you'd consider doing a post listing organizations to send money to, who are there helping the people and wildlife recover in the effected region? Give relief, recover if ever will take decades.

    I'd love to have a couple of the Queen's Hermes scarves! She looks pretty and classic always! Gives me hope as I age.:)

    Hat's off to the stylist of the 1st photo. Cute photo fellow blogger! I took a rare blue Christmas photo of a brownstone on my "The Magic of Christmas" post that came out especially well despite using an ancient iPhone 4. I love it as I love your cutout showman and Christmas tree with a music sheet pattern! Adorable placement on the couch!

    1. Hi Debbie, thank you for your great comment. I am looking at your suggestion for donations - at the moment it is a bit confusing with just news grabs from the scenes, but things will get organised quickly. There have been human lives lost too, and hundreds of homes.
      Glad you like my first photo. Our daughter sent the card and cutouts from Canada, where she bought them at a Christmas market. I loved them, so they got their own special photo op. Happy New Year!

  3. We see the media coverage of those devastating fires and cannot quite believe the vast areas affected. It’s very sad but as you say there is hope and i hope your rain prayers are answered.

    All the best for the New Year.

    1. We can't believe it either! We are used to bush-fires, but this is beyond anything seen in my lifetime, or indeed since records have been made. People are being evacuated from the region as it is thought Saturday will be even worse.
      Best wishes to you for 2020.

  4. Happy New Year! I love the photo of the Queen in pink. She looks like a lot of fun. The photos of the fires are unbelievable. Prayers for rain. What have we done to our planet? I love the creative gifts from not-for-profits. This year, we are caring for donkeys, and are supporting downtown shelter work and refugee settlement efforts. As the climate crumbles, I think we are going to have to take good care of each other. Thank you for sharing glimpses of your life. Wishing you and yours a safe and happy 2020. Xx

    1. I loved that photo of the Queen too - it seems she is quite fun, as one can read in the book. Angela apparently has become a 'girlfriend' as well as a professional. Our planet is in dire need of a new direction. Good to hear Prince William is launching a new competition to seek ideas on this topic. Love that you are doing donkeys and shelter work. We also did goats and a women's shelter. It feels good :) Wishing you a beautiful year in 2020. xx

  5. I too have been greatly affected by the images coming over from Australia, the fires seem to have been burning non stop for weeks now. It is really frightening, and I do really hope and pray that the rains arrive very soon.
    Good luck with your new computer, and a happy, healthy 2020 to you all.
    I am so pleased that you enjoyed a happy Christmas with your family, and how attractive your table looks for your Christmas dinner at twilight.

    1. Thank you Rosemary. I have wondered how much of the fire information is going around the world - after all, there are tragic events happening everywhere. It is frightening, and I wonder what lies ahead for us. We are blessed that some family always come for Christmas, in fact we were discussing what we might do if/when the day comes when we are only us on Christmas day... Best wishes to you for 2020.

  6. Here we are, a new year and a new decade. I want to thank you for your friendship over the years Patricia. I always enjoy your posts and enjoy hearing from you. The fires are so sad, I don't watch the films as it triggers my own anxiety but I do listen to the news. Hopefully it will be contained soon. Wishing you and your family the very best in 2020.

    1. Dear Darla, I have always treasured your friendship too. Have been remembering your fire as I watch what is happening here, especially as I have a friend in the affected area. It is best you don't watch it all - I would not either! I wish you good health and happiness in 2020.

  7. Happy New Year to you and your loved ones Trish. I personally could not feel at all celebratory with the horrors happening in southern Australia and like you pray for all concerned....and RAIN! Your festive family time looked lovely and I too enjoyed the more civilised temperatures.

    1. I was the same Michelle, felt very flat on New Year's day. Only rain can ease this pressure it seems. Temperatures are so high, it is like we have gone to another planet. This is one time when Brisbane is faring more lightly than down south. Happy New Year to all the Ridgway clan. xx

  8. Hi Val, I bet you enjoyed exploring that area. We have only driven there once, from Melbourne to Sydney, and really loved all the picturesque villages. I continue to watch in horror as the flames go on and on. Scenes of the evacuation are like watching a movie. Praying for the rain to come and mitigate what could happen on Saturday. And fingers crossed too..

  9. Hi Patricia happy new year my friend,I enjoyed your post ,Thankyou also for your support of my blog xx

    1. Happy New Year Sheryl, glad you enjoyed. Your blog is lovely, but enjoy your break. xx

  10. Happy New Year, Patricia! I'm so glad to know you are in a safe place and that you've been able to enjoy Christmas without the fear of these awful fires. It looks as if your festive season was a lovely one!

    1. Thank you Val. Thankfully, we are safe here at the moment, and are watching in horror what is happening in NSW and Victoria. Unbelievable! Mass evacuations like we have never seen before. Considering is was over 49c in Western Sydney today, I am less inclinced to complain when it is 35 here! Fingers crossed the heat does not come up here this week. Happy New Year to you!

  11. Happiest of New Year Wishes dearest Patricia! So sorry to hear about the devastating wild fires in Australia. Glad to hear you are safe in Brisbane! Sending big hugs from Southern California! xoxo

    1. Thank you Tamera. Yes, we are safe, but always vigilant during this hottest of all Summers. Hugs to you too! I know California have had some appalling fires in recent times, and we are so pleased to have some of your firefighters and equipment come across to help us at this time. xoxo

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