Wednesday, January 16, 2013


We don't have Presidential Inaugurations in Australia, so I look on from afar.

Back in 1998 we visited the Smithsonian Museums in Washington DC, and loved the collection of gowns worn by US First Ladies to the Inauguration Balls.

I liked Pat Nixon's Mimosa Yellow dress and jacket, a picture rarely seen.

Naturally, I was captivated by seeing Jackie's famous gown, the beaded bodice made more subtle with the addition of a sheer overlay.  Fabulous for a woman who gave birth a few weeks before!

Michelle also went for a light, delicate look in 2009.
What will she wear this time round?
Will she go for more drama, colour or sophistication?

Just wondrin'...

She's been around all my life, little Jacki Weaver.
We've seen her on stage, on TV and in film.
And now she's been nominated a second time for an Oscar!!
Go, Jacki, and wave the flag for the 'Older Woman' ....

Today we planted an orange day lily, dug up from my mother's old garden.
The baton has been passed.
(Hope it lives - fingers crossed.  Not sure of a day lily's requirements - anyone?)

The 'puff-ball' bush is covered with blooms.
It doesn't give a fig about all this torrid heat.
Which is going up high again tomorrow, Drat!

Happy Wednesday xxx


  1. I'd love to visit the Smithsonian one day. I think Michelle will opt for a jewel colour. Shivering here - a little bit of your scorching heat would be much appreciated!

    1. I'm inclined to agree with you Sulky, that Michelle will go to a strong, jewel colour. It seems to fit the persona she has been showing. Shivering hmmm - I'm always looking for a clue to where the little Sulky Kitten abides. Must be northern hemisphere - should work it out soon - he he

  2. I do know that the crown of the day lily should not be placed to far under the surface of the soil, and that it has an expansive root system so needs good soil to grow down in to.

    1. Thank you Rosemary, I'd better go back tomorrow and check those crowns, which might be buried to far under. I think the soil is good, but not sure if it will get sufficient sunlight.

  3. Daylillies are quite indestructible but do require lots of sun. Michelle looks great in everything she wears! Like the top picture of the pinks/dianthus!

    1. Just checked the day lily, and it is basking in morning sunshine. Michelle will look fabulous, I am sure - I'm betting on jewel brights, like Sulky.

  4. Daylillies are so pretty, I hope yours survives the move.

    Always interesting to see what our First Ladies choose to wear. Michelle Obama seems to look good in most anything.


    1. Fingers crossed for the day lily. I am featuring orange blooms in the new garden we are building up.

  5. Hello Patricia
    This is an interesting post.
    I think your choice of 1st ladies excellent. How lovely they all look.. their outfits timeless!
    We dont get to see Michelle much over here. I have never seen her looking so lovely.
    I like her very much.
    I have the blue creeper bush.. i love it.. i might buy a couple more this year.
    the red bush..i am not conversant with.
    happy day Patricia.

    1. Hello Val, The first ladies have quite the responsibility in choice of gowns. They end up in the museum, so need to be timeless as you say. I like Michelle's approach to fashion, young and attractive.
      The red bush is an Australian native shrub, very hardy. We call the blue one Plumbago and have it in white also. Does it have the same name in Portugal? xx

  6. What a beautiful puff ball plant. Australia has some of the most beautiful birds and flowers and interesting animals.

    1. That plant does look good, Debbi - covered in hundreds of those blooms. Australia does have some eccentric flora and fauna!

  7. Pat Nixon's outfit is stunning, I would something like that, I really should take the time to rummage around in vintage shops as I love that era.

    1. I thought so too, when I found that picture. Guess it is because of what happened to Richard Nixon that we don't tend to see anything about her these days. Her dress does belong to a lovely era; I'm thinking Grace Kelly, et al.

  8. Love that puff ball - trying to remember if I've ever seen anything like that growing around here.

    1. Hi Beryl, the puff balls look very dramatic, and send their thanks! It is an Australian bush, but you might have something similar. Subtle it is not ..

  9. I love your Australian flowers, Patricia and as for those inauguration gowns, I wish I could just once in my life wear something so glamorous. :-)

    I hope the daylily from your mother's garden thrives. I have a Christmas cactus which was a cutting from one grown by my mother who died over 30 years ago. It is still flowering!

  10. Patricia I too loved the Smithsoniam exhibition of the first ladies gowns . I remember being amazed at how tiny Nancy Regan was!!! Best of luck with your lily.
