Tuesday, August 23, 2011


It's been raining cats and dogs here for the past 24 hours -
The garden is totally loving it.
This iris bloomed today and is having a delicious time drinking up the raindrops.

I like these orange blooms - I think this shrub is called Browallia,
(or something like that.)

Our Princess Mary went to a garden show the other day:

Mary always looks just perfect. 
Straw hat for summery outdoors garden wear,
leaf green trench, perfect pink roses.

Look at the little princesses of Spain, off to meet the Pope:

Sweet and adorable, in their pink floral dresses with roses on their shoes.
They wouldn't look out of place in a garden either.

Pansies are good value - tough as nails, cheerful colours, funny little faces,
and survive even when you forget about them for weeks (who? - me?)

August is Daffodil month.  Buy a bunch to contribute to Cancer Research,
and enjoy their nodding trumpets:

Asparagus only $3 for 2 bunches at Coles.  Guess what we're having for dinner?

1 comment:

  1. Oh this rain is so lovely. The garden is breathing a sigh of relief.
