Monday, August 26, 2024



Spring has come to the Red Cardinal nest..

Our King Orchid burst into bloom today, as the temperature shot up to 31C..

It is still officially Winter, but I think we have just bounced right on into Summer.   Last week I wore jeans and a Cashmere sweater, today I am in shorts and a shell top....

Such are the vagaries of Climate Change..

We look forward to visitors to our Garden of Neglect:

next week we host our Garden Club members for our monthly meeting.

The plants have been instructed to behave, urged on by a frenzy of trimming, fertilizing, watering, weeding and a bit of Talking to Plants (me).

Today we had lorikeets feasting on Spring blossoms..

Maybe I could pay them to come and perform for our guests....

We recently had our giant Fig Tree trimmed - it was far too big.

Over Summer, it will grow another mass of green foliage..

So where have I been, you may ask..

It has been a difficult Winter, and I found it hard to remember I had a blog, or to read other blogs.

We had a wonderful visit by our daughter from Canada, with her two boys, which included a short beach holiday.  They do love to swim in the Australian surf.

Unfortunately, Covid entered our home, and we all had it to varying degrees.  Then I also contracted a seasonal virus which has lasted many weeks.  I am still coughing and am very tired.  

Our three little grandies are doing fine, the twins are about to turn four, and Baby Sister is 2.5 and speaks Very Fluent English.  

Even more amazing, Little Aussie, our eldest grandson, turns 15 this week.  This is most astonishing to these old red birds...

A special thank you to those Readers who have reached out to me.

You have touched my heart, and I appreciate your thoughts so very much.  

If you are still reading this, thank you for dropping by.

With love from the

Red Cardinal.