Monday, February 28, 2022




My Goodness, we have had an eventful time here...

Record-breaking rain for days, and now floods all over Brisbane and South East Queensland...

The park where I go walking, now a boiling torrent of water...

A shipping container was washed into the park last night, having crossed the flooded road!

Many parts of Brisbane are under water, and over 15,000 homes have been inundated.

A local Garden Centre, under water today..

Our normal route to the City:  we are now cut off by floods for some days..

It is heartbreaking for so many people, who have lost homes and businesses in just a few hours..

We are fine here at home, and pleased we live up on a hill.

Yesterday was not without drama, when the weeks of rain made our ground so waterlogged that we had a continuous seeping of water into our basement area.

Lovely neighbours came to help, and makeshift pumps and siphons were established, while some of us filled buckets continuously and emptied them outside.  This prevented a build up of water which would have ruined walls and floors of several rooms, not to mention furniture etc.  

We kept up the bucketing all day, and by night the rain lessened, and with it the creeping water.  Mr. Red Cardinal bravely spent the night down there, checking every thirty minutes and emptying out more water.  At last after midnight the rain stopped, and the water flow ceased. 

 It was worth the effort as we would have had a big repair and possible difficult insurance claim if the water was not removed.  This has never happened in 18 years of living here, and shows the impact of what the Government has called a 'Rain Bomb'.  We will now purchase a pump in case of future events, but of course could not go out to do that yesterday as all the roads were flooded.  

We are very fortunate that we did not lose electricity, as thousands of homes and businesses did.  Many people are confined to apartment blocks due to flooding in basement carparks and lower levels.  It is a sad trauma for our State after the shock of the latest Covid19 Omicron surge.  Eight people have lost their lives in floods this week.

Our Lady of Kiev, pray for the people of the Ukraine as they defend their beautiful country.  This war is unjust and unwarranted, horrific and very frightening.  What has the world come to?

I have never been to Ukraine, but their Capital, Kiev, has always had a romantic pull, such a beautiful place.  Here are a few pictures I found..

Independence Square, Kiev. 
 I do hope they can maintain their independence as a nation.

Take care, be safe, and keep dry.



  1. Prayers for all
    What an ordeal! The container ending up in the park shows how strong rain/water can be. That is a scary photo. Bravo to your neighbors, and y'all for the hard work removing the water. Stay safe

    1. Hi Salty Pumpkin. We were astonished to see the container, and what mighty power brought it here. Amazing. At last, the sun is shining today, but the Brisbane river will rise again as they have to release water from the dams. Hope to get out to buy food today!

  2. Dearest Patricia,
    So sorry for you and your husband and many others in your region.
    Water is a fierce and cruel enemy at times.
    We too have had to fight the water at our home, hope it never happens like that where we had to work day and night.
    We have mushroom related friends in Kiev in the Ukraine and we both love the music and culture and even have an antique icon at our home.

    1. Thank you Mariette, Australia is a land of harsh droughts and floods. Hopefully if we buy a pump, we will never get to use it :) How wonderful that you know Kiev, and even have the icon, and I hope you friends are able to be safe in this awful war. x

    2. Patricia, we only know people in Kiev but not the city...😉
      Good luck with your pump!

  3. Patricia, I'm so sorry you are having floods, and homes are damaged and even lives have been lost. I'm glad you are on top of a hill and have had little damage. So good of your husband to have emptied out all the water in your basement throughout the night, with you and your neighbors helping as well. I'm glad you didn't lose power, that would have made things harder for you. These are very nice photos of Ukraine. Thank you for sharing them, as we only see the terrible right now. And you always end your posts with a sweet rose. There's no more beautiful flower to me.

    Have a pleasant week, Patricia.


    1. It seemed like a good idea to look at Ukraine, to see what a beautiful place it is. All those war images are so shocking, those poor people walking to the borders! Just like in WW11. Our little flood is nothing compared to this, and the many people in our city who have their homes and lives ruined. It will take years for them to recover. Be safe, take care.

  4. Your rain bomb sounds much like the atmospheric river we had in November in part of our province and resulted in so much devastation of agricultural land. I am glad you were able to prevent the worst of the flooding in your home thanks to your vigilance and hard work.
    Beautiful photos of Ukraine. Our hearts are all heavy for these people.
    Have a good week, Patricia.

    1. Oh yes, I think I remember that event in November. Some strange things happen with weather these days. We had the most rain ever recorded here in a four day period. At last there is sun and a bit of wind today, to dry things out. We are both very tired from our marathon effort. I am trying to work out how much water we shifted - it was hundreds of litres. Poor, beautiful Ukraine. Happy days to you too, Lorrie.

  5. Patricia, I am so sorry you've been enduring these awful floods. What on earth is the weather doing worldwide? While you've been inundated there, we have been blown to smithereens here. Extreme weather seems to be something we'll have to get used to. I join you in praying that Ukraine is released from this terrible situation.I fear they are the victims of a renewed East/West War. Just awful.

    1. Yes, the weather can no longer be 'trusted' and has changed. I don't like the sound of your winds! At the moment we are trying to get some expert to help us flood-proof under our house, something never needed in the past. Brisbane is in such a mess from the floods, and more rain is predicted. We are quite anxious. Poor Ukraine, it is so shocking, and let us hope and prayer for peace.

    2. Dear Trish, how are things now? I am still seeing terrible footage of floods in Australia. Do let us know you are okay!

  6. Oh Trish - I'm so very sorry to hear about all the flooding and what so many are going through there. I pray for better weather for a long stretch now and that folks all recover okay. And I pray so for our world and especially for the Ukraine right now. It does look beautiful. They sure have a strong and amazing Leader and I pray they can hold up against Putin. I hold onto faith and the Light and Love the Lord promises us and to His Angels to defend those innocent folks and give them strength. I pray to be an instrument of Peace and Love in this world and help spread His Light into every dark corner every day. Blessings to you my Friend. xo

    1. The Ukraine leader is amazing, isn't he Carrie. I read that he has been offered escape to the US but has determined to stay and lead his people. I am struggling to cope just with more rain predicted, and no quite solution to our sudden problem downstairs. How much worse is it to see those poor women walking to Poland pushing a stroller! Blessings to you and Peace to the world. xx

  7. Trish, I'm terribly sorry you've had this flooding. How frightening it had to be not knowing you'd save your house. I remember 3 years ago when an upstair's neighbor's fire lead to the water from the fire department's hoses coming down to flood and destroy my apartment. From my own experience I understand your pain. Poor Brisbane, some so many people out of their homes. :(

    And regarding the Ukraine, the whole world is watching! No one supports Putin in his unprovoked invasion, not even the Russian people. How will he save face and get out of this calamity he alone created? Wise heads and diplomacy in support of the Ukraine!🙏

    1. I remember when you had that event at your apartment; it was awful for you Debbie. Brisbane is a muddy mess as people struggle to clean up and the roads are piled high with ruined furniture and household effects. We had 3 storms this morning, and I had very little sleep with fear of another flood downstairs. So far, all is ok. meantime, yes, when I can I look at Ukraine on social media, and am astonished at Putin. It is like another Hitler. Yet we have hope in the many people who are standing up to him and insisting on better behaviour. Let us hope peace prevails.

  8. I'm hoping by now your area has begun to dry up. Such a fright to have to bail water and worry about damage to your home, The last few years have been so hard for so many in so many ways. The latest attach on the Ukraine is so horrible. I worry for them and for all of us in the long run.

    1. It has dried up a bit Darla, and the sun is out this afternoon. Three storms yesterday were terrifying as we thought the flood could start again. It comes from a spring which popped up in the crawl space under part of the house. These have been difficult times, yes indeed. The Ukraine really is awful, I worry too. I saw some fabric today which had sunflowers on a bright blue background - the colours of the Ukraine flag and their National flower is a sunflower. I told the shop owner he should put it right out the front as a sign of solidarity :)

  9. This is amazing, just one thing after another. The whole world is going mad. I hope you're keeping well and safe, dear Patricia.
