Sunday, November 7, 2021


 We have had some noisy and heavy storms lately..
but then, October/November is storm season in Queensland.

This photo was taken after the rain, looking at the path of the storm as it headed towards the sea..

I was hoping for a rainbow, but alas, no.

It is a bumper year for the Jacarandas, with a fresh purple carpet every morning..

Seen on my walks, large trees in the parks.

Mr. Red Cardinal celebrated another birthday, and we enjoyed lunch with our Brisbane son and his wife, and their two beautiful dogs:

I am not sure which one this is, they are both very much alike, and so feminine..

Lorikeets and a King Parrot, after the rain...

The Red Cardinal back garden is flourishing too..

Not a lot has been happening, and we are wondering what will happen in Brisbane when the borders to other states open, probably quite soon.
 I did manage to have my second Covid19 Jab, thank goodness.

And I have been Christmas shopping -

Loved this herd of elephants in Target when I just happened to walk by the baby section..

And look at this beautiful swan - it is a toy basket!

On my walk today, an Australian bush turkey.

I was very interested in the Climate Conference in Glasgow, and wish Australia was doing more to save our planet and our home.
We still have vivid memories of the tragic fires of two Summers ago, and the great loss of habitat and wildlife.

I really liked this cobalt blue coat dress worn by the Duchess of Cambridge at the conference, elegant in simplicity and a beautiful colour for her.

How is the weather in your part of the world?
Have you done any Christmas shopping?

Be safe and be well



  1. Beautiful garden, and photos. The swan is adorable. I can see it as a wood basket as well.
    Glad you have 2nd shots.

    Happy Birthday Mr. Red Cardinal!

    1. Thank you Santy Pumpkin. I knew I should have bought that swan - a swan wood basket would be so good by our fireplace!

  2. I love that purple Jacaranda tree!
    Good to hear that you were able to get your second vaccination Patricia. I just published a post with a purple berry bush called Calicarpia or Beauty Berry...stay safe.

    1. Brisbane looks like an Impressionist painting at this time, with thousands of Jacarandas spread over the hills and valleys of our city. I'm off to look at your purple berry bush!

  3. If there is one thing that I would wish for our garden it would be to have a Jacaranda tree. I have a Loquat tree that I grew from a seed, a large Callistemon citrinus shrub, and I do sometimes wonder whether one would survive here or not.
    I am pleased that you have had your second jab. It is important to keep them up. Apparently the immunity that they offer fades rapidly away after 6 months.

    1. I am impressed that you have a Callistemon and a Loquat tree, both of which grow here. It would be interesting to know if a Jacaranda has been grown in the UK. They are a sub-tropical tree and grow very big. Our house had an established garden when we came here, but the Jacaranda is our addition, in the middle of the wide front lawn. Although over 10 years old, it has only flowered for about three years, and is still only a 'teenager' in size. The jab is so important, and it was unfortunate that I had a delay in my immunization programme. As we are about to 'let the virus in' here, I will certainly be lining up for the booster in six months.

  4. Oh, those Jacaranda trees are so beautiful, especially when they grace the ground with their purple blooms. Your storm photo is so pretty. I didn't realize Oct. and Nov. is storm season there. Happy Birthday to your dear husband, and what a sweet dog your son has. Those are the cutest elephants at Target. I really miss shopping at Target. There is not one here in the mountains, but a 50-minute drive away. The swan basket is cute too, and you can put so many goodies in there. Love the color Kate is wearing, and it's actually one of my favorite colors in fashion to wear.

    I always appreciate your wonderful posts, Patricia. A happy week to you.


    1. The purple carpet under the Jacaranda is a special part of early Summer here in Brisbane. We are very fond of our special trees. I bet you miss Target; it is always good to know they are there when you might need them. Wish I had bought the swan basket, but it was the last one and no doubt gone to another home. It was only $20. Thank you for your kind comment Sheri.

  5. The jacaranda tree is a cloud of purple and so gorgeous. Here, the weather is quite dramatic with rain and lots of wind blowing in from the Pacific. Darkness falls early now that we've gone back to Standard Time and the fire is cozy. It's lovely to see your beautiful flowers and bright colours during our darker season.

    1. Nearly everyone here loves the Jacarandas - although some do not like the carpet of blooms on the ground! You are having dramatic rain over there, and with early darkness it sounds like a Gothic novel. Enjoy the fire on these early nights.

  6. Hello lovely Trish!
    I"m so glad you were able to be fully vaccinated now. Yay!
    The purple all over is so pretty. Australia comes across that way to me - just full of COLOR!
    It's getting chilly here and snow in our forecast before the end of the week!
    I'm about 1/4 - maybe a bit more - done with Christmas shopping. Been ordering lots as it may take a while to get things. And then doing the rest local. That row of elephants was adorable. 😍
    Blessings. xo

    1. Well, we do have a lot of bright colours in Australia - we call the deserts the Red Centre of our land. And of course there are many bright tropical flowers. I look forward to your snow photos, because I love them. Well done on the shopping, I have lots more to do. I need to do more online shopping, actually. Note to self. xo

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  8. Oh I do love jacarandas, Patricia, and miss them a lot. In fact all your flowers are lovely. I'm glad you're well and have managed to have your second jab! We are on partial lockdown again...sigh.

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